Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Akram Zaatari
 Artists's biography
This Day, video, 2003 


The outcome of a three-year long research on the circulation of images in the Middle East, “This Day” is at once an extroverted voyage in geography and an introverted voyage in memory [the recording of everyday]. It uses video and photography to communicate the states of mobility and closure in the contemporary divided geography of the region. “This Day” is the expression with which the artist used to start his dairies during the Lebanese War (1982-1985). These diaries were not really personal, but more like an account of what happened daily, whether on the military level, or on the personal level at home. When he started working on “This Day” Akram Zaatari wasn’t sure if he would use just photographs of historical nature or use additional documents such as video footage, audio recordings, diaries etc. He soon realized that everything around him is an object of potential significance, started to look at the surrounding landscape as an archive and proceeded to record the daily. The video starts in the ever-changing desert, where presumably, Arab civilization(s) originate, and where a historian - Jibrail Jabbur - photographed a woman holding a jar on her head in the fifties, in a village on the edge of the Syrian Desert and soon unfolds into a re-construction of desert landscapes and becomes like a laboratory where new images of the desert and of Arab cities are produced.

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