Thessaloniki's Port Warehouse C & B1 / Yeni Tzami / Moni Lazariston / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Wafa Hourani
 Artists's biography
Qualandia 2047, (Photolife), mixed media, 2006 
Qualandia 2047, (Photolife), mixed media, 2006 
Qualandia 2047, (Photolife), mixed media, 2006 
Qualandia 2047, (Photolife), mixed media, 2006 
Qualandia 2047, (Photolife), mixed media, 2006 


The works are exhibited at the Warehouse C

Wafa Hourani studied at the Ecole d’Art et de Cinéma of Tunis (1998-2001), and has made several videos in his home city of Ramallah (Poster, Yousef) as well as in other places in Palestine. Along with other means of artistic expression he uses photography either as such or in the form of collage to produce composite images or environments. His diverse photographic and film experiments are organized around the concept of ‘Photolife’ that reflects the many possible ways of using photography (e.g. in the area of personal and collective memory or that of dreams and projections into a future space and time well away from the unbearable constraints experienced by today’s Palestine).
A large number of photographs have also been cut out and pasted to create “Qalandia 2047”, a very detailed scale model of how the artist visualizes everyday life in a Palestinian camp adjacent to the most important checkpoint that controls access to Ramallah in 2047 (that is, one hundred years after the camp’s residents were evicted from their homes following the division of Palestine in 1947). This is an image with lots of humour, although not without a certain bitterness, where beautiful cars move around on a backdrop of large mirror panels hanging on the separation wall just to give an illusion of space to those cooped up in there, in constant expectation of a change.

Catherine David

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