Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Tracey Rose
 Artists's biography
What is it that makes todayΒ’s children so... 


What is it that makes today’s children so different, so appealing?
Video projection, 2006

What is it that makes today’s children so different, so appealing?
Video projection
Tracey Rose’s Just what is it that makes today’s children so different, so appealing? was filmed in Riverlea Extension; a small mining community that is situated west of Johannesburg. In 1886 George Harrison ‘discovers’ gold in the area Riverlea Extension, and through the years the area has become desolate and poverty stricken through excessive mining and extortion. This area of Riverlea Exension being a deceptively cosy little valley almost completely surrounded by hills of death: huge goldmine dumps which emit cyanide and arsenic invested dust.
Riverlea Extension’s residents, who are part of a match-box housing project, live in constant fear of the huge clouds of white dust from these surrounding dumps which bring tight chests, coughing fits, silicosis, lung cancer, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma attacks and burning eyes.
The artist, Tracey Rose, spent time in this community filming the children. She made costumes and props for the children, for them to dress up and act out scenes from their own lives. Just what is it that makes today's children so different, so appealing? depicts the children improvising and acting out their everyday lives, with little or no interaction from Rose, who was filming them. The children depict themselves as social workers, mothers, fathers, and children amongst other characters. Although they look as if they are having a fun time, once you start listening to what they are saying, it becomes apparent that they are talking about abuse, drinking and the troubles their parents face on a day to day basis.

Representing different characters from ancient mythologies that interact with one another, the still photographs are a choreographed series of written events that were conceptualized by Rose.

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