Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Oliver Musovik
 Artists's biography
Flags, ink jet prints, 2007 

Combining historical and imagined heraldic symbols and national icons Musovik creates flags, referencing possible fictive countries, new spatial realities and a different and other global map. This serious and ironic game raises the question of how national identities are constructed and comments all the fabricated and established ideologies that separate people.

“Flags as functional objects have specific political significance built on the allegorical meanings of the used colours and symbols. By altering these elements on real national flags and replacing them with others, many for example widely associated with Islam, like the crescent moon or a particular green colour, sometimes totally arbitrary, while sometimes taking into consideration very specific historic or political circumstances of the nations in question, I am implicating the growing Islamophobia, hoping that extreme exaggeration and playfulness may point to its irrationality.”
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