Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Nikos Giavropoulos
 Artists's biography
Aegean, Video-sculpture, 2007 
Aegean, Video-sculpture, 2007 
Aegean, Video-sculpture, 2007 
Aegean, Video-sculpture, 2007 

The Aegean Sea is not only a geographical site and frontier. It is also a remarkably historically and culturally charged space, a vital merchandise center, a well-known tourist destinations, and certainly the most dependable axis for the relationships between Greece and Turkey, between Europe and the Orient. In the video installation AEGEAN, Nikos Giavropoulos distinguishes the Aegean Sea as a place where several and conflicting geographies exist superimposed and where contradictory functions live side by side. The video juxtaposes scenes of war planes involved in air fights with images of people laying on the beach or swimming. The sea is portrayed as a source of relaxation and harmony, but at the same time as site of discord and dissonance. And all these phenomena occur, take place under the shield of Nike (the god of victory), since the Aegean Sea, as every heterotopia, resides both in reality and legend, in both realistic and symbolic elements of space.
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