Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Latifa Echakhch
 Artists's biography
Resolution, Text on the wall, 2007 
Desert, installation, 2007 
Untitled (11 March 2005), video, 2005 

This wall text - “Decides to remain seized of the matter/Décide de demeurer saisi de la question” - represents the official formula used by the United Nation’s Security Council at the end of unconcluded resolutions. It is an unusual sentence "which sounds like a bad translation" (to reference Gilles Deleuze’ interpretation of Herman Melville’s character Bartleby). The work questions the role of an international organization allegedly intended to propose and decide upon solutions to serious international crisises. But it also questions, perhaps with some irony, the role of the artist faced with such crises, not in order to suggest that artists remains impotent in the face of world events, but to observe that they must always remain seized of the question of history.
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