Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Claudia Cristovão
 Artists's biography
The Chinese Garden, video, 2007 
The Chinese Garden, video, 2007 
The Chinese Garden, video, 2007 
The Chinese Garden, video, 2007 

The Chinese Garden
The Chinese Garden is a project about a space where unexpected things happen. Passers-by seem to take over the public space as a stage, bringing to life representations of their inner fictions. As in an essay by Perec, the space is challenged to become the backdrop of a representation, and mere bystanders are coerced into being audience to these acts. Just like in the traditional Chinese Garden, built with a concept of infinity, the viewer is never sure when to have reached its outer limit. The threshold of private and public, as is the sense of stage, is permanently shifting, making the garden a mobile place that can be carried with each of its wanderers.
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