Thessaloniki's Port Warehouse C & B1 / Yeni Tzami / Moni Lazariston / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Anna Boghiguian
 Artists's biography
The City of the Dead, gouache on paper, 2007 
The City of the Dead, gouache on paper, 2007 
The City of the Dead, gouache on paper, 2007 

The works are exhibited at the Warehouses C and B1

“My work is associated with a complexity of messages: with my self, with the symbolical values of the world, with the socio-political conditions and the environment in which I live in”.
Anna Boghiguian, a painter of Armenian descent, lives in Cairo, the city with which she is more artistically engaged with. She creates mainly landscape paintings, with no respect to right dimensions or proportions, having the painted buildings, roads and people intertwine with each other, trying to show in this way the noise and the crowdedness of the city. The buildings are placed on top of the other, crowded, collapsing in an ephemeral painting, a snapshot not very touristy, but of a woman who is judging in a pitiless and cruel manner. The creation of a moment in the city’s life, abolishes the concept of the city’s beauty, monumentality and at the same time its historicity, producing in such a manner free, timeless and spaceless landscapes, in the limits between personal recordings and social criticism. Therefore, the elimination of every recognition, neutralizes the landscape, developing in such a manner the “city of the artist’s mind”, her personal imaginary city.

Theodore Markoglou
 Main Programme
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 Concurrent Programme

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