Teloglion Foundation of Art / Thessaloniki French Institute / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Marcelo Brodsky
 Artists's biography
1st. Year, 6th Division, 1967,Gigantograp, 1998 
Buena Memoria, installation, 1997 


Buena Memoria

“When I came back to Argentina after living in Spain for many years and after just having turned forty, I began to work with identity-issues. Photography, with its precise ability to freeze a point in time, was the tool I used for this work. I began going through my family photographs, those from my youth, from my school years. I found the class portrait from eighth grade, taken in 1967, and I wanted to find out what had become of each one of my classmates.” In 1997 Marcelo Brodsky exhibited for the first time the photographic essay Buena Memoria (Good Memory), made up of photographs, videos, and texts that present the personal and collective history and fate of a class at the Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires, marked by two “missing” students due to the state terrorism of the time.


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