Moni Lazariston / Bazaar Hamam / Warehouse C, Thessaloniki Port Area / Museum of Byzantine Culture / Courtyard of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki

Frederick William Ayer
 Artists's biography
The poet's mind, painting and audio installation 
The poet's mind, painting and audio installation 
The poet's mind, painting and audio installation 
The poet's mind, painting and audio installation 

The poet’s mind
I search for and follow yet a distinctive artistic poetics which if unarticulated should be treated through the prism of another time and another place. The drawings would seem to be associative to the poems which require a wider margin of imagination.

The Poet’s Mind or this Audio Visual Enterprise gives the viewer a possibility for two situations – here and there. As one knows, a painted object or an expression on canvas can give the viewer several perspectives or train of thought, the viewer is also geered to read between the lines. Then, one is usually confronted with such ambiguities until one is resolved to identify with what one believes as to what the artist wants to say or express.

In the case of my work, I tried as best as possible to use symbols like a scientist and the vocal sound of poetry to achieve this purpose.

The poetry is Haiku metrical 5-7-5, 3 lines form to the syllabic pattern and this poetics formulate a concentrated imaginative awareness arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound and the aesthetics of the visual work in front of the viewer.

I have, therefore, attempted to use this guideline not to explain the work on canvas but to solidify both the pictoral and poetics as one body.

This work is dedicated to my pioneer James A. Emanuel, a well known American poet.
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