Moni Lazariston / Bazaar Hamam / Warehouse C, Thessaloniki Port Area / Museum of Byzantine Culture / Courtyard of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki

Omid Salehi
 Artists's biography
Cane Land, photography, 2003 
Cane Land, photography, 2003 
Cane Land, photography, 2003 
Cane Land, photography, 2003 

Cane Land
This is a story from the south of Iran. Where they burn the fields and then the workers harvest the sugar cane. Most of them are from the regions of Elam and Lorestan. Their work begins before spring arrives and they don’t return home until autumn. First they burn the fields, and then they use sharp scythes to cut the canes. Injuries are frequent; the work is dangerous, but no one cares about worker safety. It is the system in control, not the men. They are under constant surveillance as they work. They have no privacy – they work and sleep together. As they worked alongside me I photographed them discreetly; they continued with the same, routine movements required by the task at hand. I came to appreciate what a fine thing it is, how profoundly humanist in spirit, to record these simple movements, these details which no one has ever thought to observe.
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