Moni Lazariston / Bazaar Hamam / Warehouse C, Thessaloniki Port Area / Museum of Byzantine Culture / Courtyard of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki

Ira Waldron
Die Damen mit die Spitze, installation, 2006-7 
Die Damen mit die Spitze, installation, 2006-7 
Die Damen mit die Spitze, installation, 2006-7 
Die Damen mit die Spitze, installation, 2006-7 
Die Damen mit die Spitze, installation, 2006-7 


Thirteen original sketches by none other than Adolf Hitler, depicting his mother, his mistresses, his wolfhound – copied with minor modifications and additions, apparently ironic but in fact totally subversive, since behind the sensitive side of a man who loves the arts and falls in love with women we see in magnified form the paranoid behaviour of the dictator who imprisons not only individuals but whole psychic states. Imprisons them along a route inescapably harsh and with no return, one step beyond terrorism and one step before madness. Ira Waldron places herself face to face with Hitler, confronting – as an artist – the non-existent moral inhibitions of another creative spirit, and eventually confronting political and social injustices, political and social crimes.

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