Moni Lazariston / Bazaar Hamam / Warehouse C, Thessaloniki Port Area / Museum of Byzantine Culture / Courtyard of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki

Andrei Roiter
 Artists's biography
NY Shadow, oil on canvas, 2007 
The big "O", oil on canvas, 2007 

The big ‘O’, a circle of smoke, like a bicycle inner tube, a spectral memory from the district of Belyaevo, the Moscow neighbourhood where Roiter was born and raised. There, in the mid-1980’s, in the building which had once housed a local  library, an exhibition space was set up, where Roiter displayed his works alongside those of other young painters of the perestroika era. From that time on Belyaevo remained one of his favourite districts (the words ‘My own Belyaevo’ appear in one of his paintings). Roiter then leapt into the ring of fire and emerged in New York, the city where the flame is spreading, where the shadows are warm, deceptive, made of fire and with the same curved shape as the Moscow ‘O’ – like two separate cities uniting to form a conceptual tube of communication. But nothing is finished yet: the road is open, the shadow of fire continues to expand at a pace which is not determined by the relationship between time and light. It is an issue which is purely personal and – in this case – out of control.

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