Moni Lazariston / Bazaar Hamam / Warehouse C, Thessaloniki Port Area / Museum of Byzantine Culture / Courtyard of the Archaelogical Museum of Thessaloniki

Isaac Mathes
 Artists's biography
If You Lived Here, video, 2007 
If You Lived Here, video, 2007 


"If You Lived Here", 2007, Video, 10 minutes

Walking in New York City, one often passes beneath the scaffolding of a building under construction. Artists' renderings of these buildings in their completed forms use text, photo collage and warped perspective to depict bastions of power, security and tranquility. When such imagery is hung at a construction site, a sharp juxtaposition comes into view, between the raw labor and materials that go into a building and the ethereal whims of its future occupants. One stops and reads, "Our exciting new luxury residence concept is your playground of class and sophistication, defining the ultimate address that you have earned." But the flowery language crumbles at the slightest sign of daily toil, of heartfelt need.
The struggle to survive still defines New York.

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