Thessaloniki's Port Warehouse C & B1 / Yeni Tzami / Moni Lazariston / Museum of Byzantine Culture

Joachim Koester
 Artists's biography
The Room of Nightmares #2, photograph, 2005 
The Abbey of Thelema #2, photograph, 2005 
Cefalu #2, photography, 2005 
Cefalu #1, photography, 2005 
Cefalu #3, photography, 2005 


The work is exhibited at the Warehouse B1
Joachim Koester’s installation Morning of the Magicians and double video projection One + One + One features ‘The Abbey of Thelema’ – a ruin that once housed a magical community led by the infamous Aleister Crowley in Cefalu, Sicily. The long abandoned building is in a dilapidated state, buried in bushes, with a hole in the roof; hidden, like a sleeping castle, in an otherwise highly developed and posh neighborhood of the city. Inside, Crowley’s drug-heavy and sexually explicit frescos are still visible through layers of graffiti and peeling paint, making the building, one of the few remaining monuments in the largely invisible history of the occult’s travel from extreme obscurity to its absorption into mainstream culture today. The title of the video work is an allusion to Godard's film One Plus One.

Joachim Koester, 2007

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